Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In Scotland it Rains

Yesterday we saw Real Live Salmon in a fish ladder by the Hydro plant, which was running.

Today it's raining, like yesterday.

So we decided we're having a weekend and doing some planning on where to go later in the year, and reading a book and stuff. We almost have a rough plan now for the rest of the trip, not sure what we'll do next time it rains ? Perhaps read some more of the 10 or so books I seem to be hauling again (we get it down to one or two and then buy more, like an all you can eat salad bar)

Also if I have to drink anymore tea in this country, I might spew.


kathc said...

Are there photos of the fish ladder?

If you're sick of English tea - you could just try their coffee. That should fix your attitude..

James said...

Photo of the fish ladder coming in the next post (internet here in the highlands sucks !) - So we have a little bit of a backlog to come.

I did despair, ordered coffee and am now back to tea at breakfast. Very occasionally places have earl grey, which is a total treat.