Friday, May 8, 2009

2 Bikes - 85.6 KG and a Smile

Apart from waiting to see what state our bikes arrive in, one of the more stressful parts of this little journey to get to the UK is done. We're kicking back now in the departure lounge watching planes take off (which never gets old) waiting the two hours before our flight leaves.

The luggage allowance for our tickets is 54kg between us including bulging carry on, the luggage we arrived at the desk with was 85.6kg ... There was always going to be a problem with that equation. Add a confident smile and a gentle reminder to the helpful gal behind the desk that there were special rules for bikes with SQ, plus her some what clumsy understanding of mathematics and we're checked right through to Manchester for a mere 6kg of excess. Her boss was also super helpful supporting my assertion and yet hastily wandering off without really explaining the rules at all. Eventually our bikes were taken off as specific fragile items with a promise they should arrive some what less smashed than if they went down the main chute. I guess we'll find out in about 24 hours.

As she was tagging our bags, I made some joke about baggage handlers, using the feet and the fragile stickers (which peeled off the nylon almost immediately)... Our 6kg gal cheerfully informed me that handlers are basically a thing of the past and the automatic machines don't take any notice of the fragile tags. Or anything else much I guess.

I'll post later about the essential list of items that sees us traveling with quite so much weight, but suffice to say for now we're on our way to Singapore and then through to Manchester to see what state our babies (@henryandtheargo) arrive in.


Unknown said...

Why do I suspect "essential" = books?

Anonymous said...

*hoping* the bikes arrive... and if you're not excited yet, I'll give up Turkish Delight for a week.

Unknown said...

Why only one smile? Who is the un-Smiler?

James said...

I was using my best sweet talking smile.