Sunday, July 12, 2009

Comedy is tragedy that happens to someone else.

Today we rode from Porthmadog to Dolgellau - 33 miles (53km)

I have to say today has been one of the hardest days riding yet, but Alex tells me that tragedy is comedy when it happens to someone else, so I figure today must be hilarious for all you lot reading. Let's look at the challenges we faced, pictorially.


There were many hills, most longer, but none steeper than this one

Moss covered descents

These were not photographed on account of both of us being scared of stopping and moving out of the faint wheel marks on an otherwise SLICK road surface (thanks mostly to the mucky wet leaf litter).


We turned off the 'main' road onto what could best be described as a farm track; the view at least was spectacular.

Then we came across the first of many bogs.

And another. Alex wanted to give up and walk through, I insisted on us keeping our feet dry. Which resulted in Alex having dry feet, and me ... not.

Rocks and a mountain bike park

I'll just let this section of the map speak for itself.

Update: It has been pointed out to me by a reader that this section, was clearly warned on the map, and is therefore our own damn fault. This is true, however I didn't read the warning until AFTER we'd ridden that whole section...


Now just when we came out of the forest and onto the open road, Al says, well at least this last section isn't bad, at which point we turned a corner and had to ride into a stiff headwind for the last 5 miles.

We made up for it with Indian for dinner though - Indian and Cobra beer - and now I'm watching new season Top Gear before all the rest of you, so I reckon it's still a pretty good day.

Alex says: hmmm. Good thing I have the memory of a goldfish. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...". I ordered "Sag walla prawn," which would allegedly have king prawns in it. Not so much; they were more like mini shrimps. The riding was all right.


Anonymous said...

Oh. I didn't go outside all weekend. Do I feel lazy/plump? Only a little, but staying warm/dry does sound the better option.

Gina said...

Oh. Virtual hugs from me, virtual brewskis from W. Virtual vomit from C.

Unknown said...

Reading only the Welsh instructions then, they sound fine, glamorous even

David Baker said...

Sort of feel your map is misleading, in that you didn't actual ride across the Irish sea (or in Ireland at all). See the TdF route map for a better example...